Tech Blog 3 - Animation & Loose Coupling

In the previous blog post, I showcased the transition from DOTween to FEEL. Now it was time to implement animations and tie them to the game logic so that nothing really ties them…naniii?Let’s start from the beginning. By implementing FEEL, implementation was abstracted to the Editor, so now I can go to the editor and i...
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Tech Blog 2 - Orchestrating Visual Effects

Another important topic that had to be nailed down is how do we orchestrate “everything visual” that is associated with a specific event in the game?For example, imagine character A attacking character B using card C. On an abstract level, this action can be as simple as:B(hit points) - A(damage)Easy right? Indeed. Now w...
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Tech Blog 1 - Dynamic Content Loading

Dynamic content loading is an important topic for me. I want to be able to release small updates and add content without users needing to reinstall the app. I had this in mind from the very beginning, but little did I know that I had implemented it incorrectly.I approached it using Addressables from the very beginning, b...
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Tech Blog 0 - Introduction

Hey! Time flies; it’s been almost a month since we last posted any updates. We are still figuring out the process and the silver bullet between doing things and sharing things about what we are doing.This will be an attempt to start blog posts with tech direction and simple status updates. Purely software-related topics,...
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